Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Sterling Annex DEMO DAY 3

Sterling Annex School, August 9, 2023

Is everything gone? No, not yet. Some trees block out the piece that remains. They were still working on the site, so I kept my distance.

Only one end of the school remains today. Tomorrow, it will most definitely all be rubble.

The brick wall on the right might be one of the walls from
the basement stairs, but honestly it's hard to tell at this point

Yesterday, I stood here to capture the back wall of the auditorium

Piles of cinderblocks and metal

Picking things up and putting them down

As I am unavailable to visit tomorrow, this will be my last demolition coverage post.

I will be back next year to check out Lindsay Automotive's Service Detailing Center and adjoining pocket park, which will reuse some of the bricks into a memorial for the school building.

Thank you everyone for joining me on this annual pilgrimage to Sterling. I've loved making the trip. It's sad to see this cute-as-a-button school gone, but at least it's not in decaying misery anymore.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sterling Annex DEMO DAY 2

Sterling Annex School, August 8, 2023

Demolition Day 2 of the Sterling Annex School saw the central section of the school reduced the rubble. Half of the Auditorium, two halves of different classrooms, and one bathroom are still standing.

Sterling Auditorium

The other side of the basement door

The Auditorium (left) and the remaining wing (right)
In the middle, the roof has been demolished

The remaining part of the front façade

The baseball field remains unchanged for now

Back of the building

Monday, June 5, 2023

Sterling Community Center Annex - 2023 Update

Sterling Annex building in 2023

[Update August 2023: This school has now been demolished. Check out Sterling Annex DEMO DAY 1]

I'm back in Sterling to check out the old Sterling school building! Many doors ajar, lots of vandalism present, but still here.

Front entry, windows and doors uncovered

Looking through the front door

One side of the back end

The basement stairs are completely dry now! You can actually walk through the door to the basement now. Granted, everything is still flooded inside except for an entry landing.

Flooded basement

Old machinery in flooded basement

Looking back at the rust on the basement door

Next to the basement stairs, a plant has been cut down, revealing an additional hole in the ground. Looking through my earlier documentation, it looks like this has been here, just covered. Not sure why it was uncovered.

Looking into the hole

The other back end
Boy, those originally-bright-red couches have faded

Someone dumped pieces of a wooden playset on the way to my favorite door

At my favorite door. Only one animal shelter remains, beat up.

Looking through the ajar door

Lindsay's plans to demolish the structure are still in the works. Check back here for coverage when it happens.

 Read all Sterling Annex Posts: